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History of the Fort Madison Daily Democrat

History of the Fort Madison Daily Democrat

In 1869, with a Democratic presidential defeat the previous year, and in an attempt to reduce influence in the Fort Madison area by the local Republican newspaper, the Plain Dealer, Charles L. Morehouse launched the weekly Fort Madison Democrat. The new paper was financed by Dr. A. C. Roberts, a respected local physician who had served as a medical officer during the Civil War.

Between 1869 and 1875, the Weekly Democrat was published on a hand operated press that printed only two-page sides at a time and required nearly four hours to print a four-page edition of 480 copies.

The newspaper added a daily publication in 1888 after the arrival of the Santa Fe Railroad at Fort Madison which helped increase the local population substantially. the daily was named the Evening Democrat.

The project proved to be a success. Within two weeks after the first issue appeared, the daily edition had attracted 500 subscribers who paid $8 a year. Single issues cost five cents. The weekly democrat continued publication until 1926 when it was discontinued.

In 1981, the newspaper's name was changed to the Daily Democrat. The Daily Democrat is one of five Mississippi Valley Publsihing Co. Inc, publications. The other MVP publications include: the Keokuk Daily Gate City, Hancock County Journal-Pilot, Bonny Buyer and Lee & Hancock Shopper.