We can pray for and trust in God’s protection.Psalm 46:1 tells us “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

I want to tell you about God’s divine protection of George Washington—the godly man who would later become the father of our country and first president.

At age 20, he was appointed commander over the militia for the southern part of Virginia. The English colonies were mainly along the eastern seaboard while there were French colonies further west (like Detroit, Montreal, New Orleans). Tensions were high as the French and English were on the verge of war, with various Indian tribes involved as well.

In 1754, at age 22, Washington was appointed Lieutenant Colonel. By February 1755, war had begun in what would be called the “French and Indian War,” which would be fought until 1764, with Col. Washington playing a crucial role.

On July 9, 1755, in a battle deep in the Pennsylvania woods (called “Braddock’s Expedition” as the British attempted to capture Fort Duquesne—present-day Pittsburgh), the English and American armies suffered heavy losses.

In two hours 777 of 1,300 troops were killed. Of the 86 officers, 26 were killed and 37 more were wounded. Late in the battle, British General Edward Braddock died (and is why the battle became known as “Braddock’s Defeat”) and Washington served as military chaplain, conducted a funeral service, read Scripture, and prayed.

After the battle, George removed his jacket… and found four bullet holes through his coat, but not a single bullet had touched him. He had multiple horses shot from under him but he had not been scratched. He concluded, “I now exist and appear in the land of the living by the miraculous care of Providence that protected me beyond all human expectation.”

Rumors spread that the entire British forces had been wiped out, so he wrote a letter from Fort Cumberland to his family, assuring them he was still alive. He wrote “As I have heard since my arrival at this place a circumstantial account of my death and dying speech, I take this early opportunity of contradicting both.”

Fifteen years later, in 1770, Washington was passing by those same woods where he fought the French and Indians. An old Indian chief heard he was there and went out to meet him. The elderly leather-faced Indian sat down with Washington and told him he was a leader in the battle against him on that day in 1755.

He went on to say that during the battle, he instructed his braves to single out the British officers and shoot them down. By killing officers first, it would be easier to scatter and destroy the remaining troops. Washington had been targeted, the Indian said.

In fact, he proudly explained that his rifle had never before been known to miss, but after having personally fired at Washington repeatedly (with no effect), he concluded that he was under the care of the Great Spirit and therefore instructed his braves to stop firing at him. He said that he came that day to pay homage to the young warrior in battle who was “the particular favorite of Heaven,” and who could not die in battle.

It was obvious to the Indian, as well as George, that God’s hand of protection was at work. His will was for this man of God to survive the battle and eventually lead in this country’s founding. What about you? You may not be famous, or a future president, but God is watching over you, as well, if you are a child of God by faith in His Son. There are times in our lives we can see God’s hand of protection. George saw it, can you?

Sources available upon request.

Aaron Hand serves as pastor of Bethel Bible Church in Argyle. He is married, has two teenage daughters, and three cats. You can reach him with comments or ideas at bethelbibleiowa@gmail.com, read any of his past articles at www.aaron1914.wordpress.com, view his church website at www.bbciowa.org, or listen to his church podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify (‘Bethel Bible Church, Argyle IA’).